Female Football Week 2024 Coerver Kid Interview - Emily

Long-time Coerver kid Emily Robertson was awarded the Jim Roberts Perpetual Trophy for Player of the Program at the Coerver Coaching ACT Performance Academy 2023/24.
We asked Emily how the Coerver Performance Academy improved her game and how winning this trophy has inspired her as she begins her career in senior football.
How has being a Coerver kid developed your game?
ER - Through Coerver I have developed not only technical capabilities but also improved my game knowledge and positional awareness. Coerver has also helped me improve my confidence as a footballer and, combined with the technical and game knowledge and positional awareness, has helped me tobecome a stronger footballer and the player I am today.
What do you enjoy most about Coerver Coaching sessions?
ER - I really enjoy the structure of Coerver’s sessions and how the practising of an individual skill is built upon into different drills and then applied in game realistic situations. I also enjoy how there are many different levels of ball mastery and how you are able to improve and push yourself to get better at a certain skillelement. Through Coerver, I have also developed great friendships with girlsoutside of the clubs I have played for. Coerver has also provided me many opportunities that I would not have otherwise not had as a junior footballer including the opportunity to tour overseas and play football and train with international coaches.
What was your reaction to being selected as the winner of the Jim Roberts Perpetual Trophy?
ER - I was absolutely shocked and honoured when my name was called out at the Performance Academy presentationceremony. It was also a real honour to have the trophy presented to me by Jim Roberts and have the opportunity to have an inspiring conversation with Jim at the presentation.
How have the skills you have learned at Coerver Coaching helped you as you have begun playing senior football?
ER - Coerver has helped teach me how to work hard and have a positive attitude when put in challenging situations. With my enhanced technical abilities it has allowed me to play at a higher level of football and be competitive against women who have more experience with the game.
Why would you recommend Coerver Coaching to other young girls looking to improve their skills?
ER - Coerver Coaching has always had a strong focus on supporting female football and they are very inclusive and supportive to all girls. Coerver provides girls with many opportunities to improve their technical capabilities and this is done in a fun, challenging and safe environment which also allows for many friendships to form.
To find a Coerver Coaching program for you, visit: www.coerver.com.au